Embracing Autumn: How Acupuncture Supports Your Health During the Seasonal Shift

Hello everyone!

As we move from the warmth and activity of summer into the cooler, reflective days of autumn, many of us can feel the change on a deep level. You might notice a shift in your energy, mood, or even in your health. This seasonal transition can be challenging for some, both physically and emotionally. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), this is understood as the shift from the Fire element, associated with summer, to the Metal element, linked with autumn.

What Does This Change Mean?

During summer, the Fire element is in full swing. It’s a time of outward energy, joy, and connection. Many of us feel more social, active, and perhaps a little more carefree during these months. The Fire element is connected to the heart and small intestine in TCM, and when in balance, it brings warmth, enthusiasm, and vitality.

But as the days shorten and autumn sets in, we move into the realm of the Metal element. Metal is linked to the lungs and large intestine, organs that focus on taking in and letting go—whether it’s air, emotions, or things we no longer need. This is a time of reflection, drawing inward, and releasing what no longer serves us. It’s a season of transition and can stir up feelings of sadness or even grief, as the Metal element is associated with the emotion of letting go.

You might find yourself feeling a bit more introspective, perhaps even struggling with low energy or a slight melancholy as the warmth of summer fades. It’s not uncommon to experience respiratory issues like colds, allergies, or a general feeling of stagnation in both body and mind during this period. If you’ve noticed any of these feelings or symptoms, you’re not alone.

How Acupuncture Can Help During This Transition

Acupuncture is a powerful tool to help balance your body’s energy, or Qi, as we move through seasonal changes. When the Fire element begins to wane and Metal takes over, acupuncture can help smooth the transition, ensuring that both your body and emotions stay in harmony.

Here’s how acupuncture supports the body during this time:

  • Strengthening the Lungs: As autumn corresponds with the Metal element and the lungs, this is a time when lung health becomes especially important. Acupuncture can help boost your lung function, support your immune system, and prevent seasonal colds and respiratory issues.
  • Letting Go Emotionally: The Metal element encourages us to let go—whether it’s emotions, old patterns, or even physical clutter. Many people experience feelings of grief or sadness in the autumn, even if they can’t pinpoint exactly why. Acupuncture can help regulate your emotional energy, making it easier to release what no longer serves you, and find peace in the process.
  • Balancing Energy Flow: If you’ve been feeling sluggish, overwhelmed, or simply “out of sorts,” this can be a sign that your Qi isn’t flowing as it should. Acupuncture works to clear any blockages in your energy pathways, helping you feel more balanced, centred, and ready to embrace the inward nature of autumn.

What You Might Be Feeling

Many people notice the effects of this seasonal transition in different ways. Some common experiences include:

  • Low Energy: If you’ve been feeling more tired than usual, especially after the busy, active summer months, this could be your body signalling that it needs to slow down and conserve energy for the colder months ahead.
  • Sadness or Emotional Release: It’s not unusual to feel more reflective or even melancholic as autumn approaches. You may find yourself thinking about things you’ve been holding onto emotionally or mentally, and this can be a good time to process and release those feelings.
  • Physical Symptoms: Seasonal changes can also bring physical discomforts, particularly related to the lungs and large intestine. You might experience colds, respiratory issues, or digestive troubles as your body adjusts to the shift.

What to Expect During an Acupuncture Session

During an acupuncture session at this time of year, I would focus on supporting your lungs and large intestine, strengthening your immune system, and helping you let go of any emotional or physical stagnation. Key acupuncture points might include:

  • Feishu (BL13): A point on the back that strengthens lung function and boosts immunity.
  • Hegu (LI4): Located on the hand, this point helps move Qi throughout the body, supporting both lung and large intestine health, while also helping to release tension or emotional blockages.
  • Dingchuan (Extra): A specific point often used to relieve coughs and other respiratory issues, supporting the lungs during autumn’s cooler air.

Finding Balance with the Seasons

The shift from summer to autumn can feel like an emotional and physical challenge, but it’s also a beautiful time of introspection and renewal. Acupuncture helps to align your body with these natural cycles, ensuring that you move through this transition with ease and balance.

If you’re noticing any of these seasonal changes in yourself, acupuncture can offer relief and support. Whether it’s boosting your immune system, helping you release lingering emotional stress, or simply keeping your energy flowing smoothly, acupuncture is a wonderful way to stay balanced through the changing seasons.

Warm regards,

For more information, visit my page about Auricular Acupuncture in London